10 Things to Remember When Renting
A few extra minutes to check your gear's functions and readiness before you go diving, could save you the day's dive or in extreme situations even your life. Take a moment to read these 10 points you should consider checking, before going on your day's venture. Take an extra moment with us to make sure you understand everything. If you're somewhere trying to rent your gear, consult with the staff of the operator you are using. If you're still not sure, call us or email us with your questions. CSDA's staff will be more than happy to assist you, even when you are far from home.
Pressurize regulators on a full tank to check for leaks and free flow
Check the mouthpiece on all second stages. Look for holes and tears
Inflate the BCD to make sure it holds air and that the inflator and all dump valves are working properly
Make sure weight pockets are not missing on weight integrated BCDs
Make sure your tank is full, the tank's valve is working and the O-ring is in good condition
Check visual and hydro inspections, if you are planning to get them filled
Check zippers on wetsuits to make sure they zip smoothly in both direction
Turn dive computer ON and make sure it's reset and "clear" and that the "low battery indicator" is OFF (learn how to use it)
Check all hoses for abrasions, tears, and kinks
Make sure you understand how your gear operates, how the alternate air source functions, and how to orally inflate your BCD
Rental Gear Terms and Conditions
The renter promises to return the below-rented equipment on the return date, clean and in good condition. The renter understands that he's/she's responsible for all items and agrees that he's/she's liable for any charges necessary to replace equipment rented, that becomes damaged or lost. The renter promises that the above equipment is being rented for the use of ONLY certified divers. The renter assumes all and full responsibility for the use of the above equipment and waives all liability on the part of Colorado Scuba Diving Academy (CSDA). The renter is further waives all liability on the part of any employee or associate of CSDA for any injuries and/or accidents incurred while using said equipment. The renter agrees to inspect the operation of the equipment and agrees to not use the rental equipment, unless he/she fully understands the functions and the proper operation of the gear he/she rents, and understands that failure to do so, could result in serious injury or death.
By taking the gear out of our hands, CSDA assumes you understand all of the said above and found the gear to be in proper working order. Download and complete the Equipment Rental Waiver Here
Click Here for the rental registration form (shop associate only)
Single Item Rental
1 Day / 2 Days / 3-7 Days
Tank: $8 / $18 / $38
Regulator: $15 / $35 / $75
BCD: $15 / $35 / $70
Full Wetsuit: $10 / $28 / $65
Shortie Wetsuit: $6 / $16 / $32
Mask / Snorkel: $8 / $20 / $35
Mask, Snorkel, Fins: $15 / $35 / $50
Hood: $5 / $10 / $20
Weight Belt With Weights: $6 / $15 / $35
Drysuit: $50 / $100 / $250
Computer (Manual): $20 / $45 / $75