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Nitrogen Narcosis in Diving: The 'Martini Effect'

Writer's picture: Samuel BacharSamuel Bachar

Updated: Apr 10, 2024

A cartoon of two divers getting nitrogen narcosis underwater

In the world of scuba diving, there exists a captivating yet elusive phenomenon known as nitrogen narcosis. It goes by many names, but its effects remain consistent. This underwater enigma occurs when divers, particularly those venturing to greater depths than 100ft, experience a state of "numbness" or altered consciousness.

The "Martini Effect." Go down the rabbit hole of nitrogen narcosis, and you'll be guaranteed to encounter the intriguing term, the 'Martini Effect.' Imagine descending underwater, your world transforming into a surreal, dreamlike state. You feel euphoric, perhaps even invincible. It's a sensation that has been humorously compared to the effects of alcohol—a feeling of being slightly drunk underwater. But what lies beneath this apparent lightheartedness that many divers are unaware of is a profound alteration of cognitive function that can lead to poor decision-making and, in some cases, danger. The primary culprit behind nitrogen narcosis is the increased pressure at depth, which affects how gases, particularly nitrogen, interact with the human body.

The first time I encountered nitrogen narcosis was in 2000. I was in my late twenties, pursuing a degree in Marine Science at the Maritime College of Israel. I had been a diver for a decade and had hundreds of logged dives by then. Still, it was during my Divemaster course in 2000 that I had a truly unforgettable encounter with nitrogen narcosis.

Our objective that day was to explore the enigmatic effects of nitrogen narcosis on divers, even when those effects weren't immediately apparent or non-existent. The plan was daring yet meticulously designed: we were to descend to a depth of 150 feet while breathing compressed air (instructors used Trimix). Each diver, including myself, was handed a slate by our instructor with two deceptively simple math problems. Mine were straightforward: "2x7=?" and "5+7=?" Our task was to solve these problems, note our answers on the slate, tuck it into our pockets, ascend to our safety stops, and return to the boat for evaluation.

As I descended, I felt entirely in control and at the top of my game. The mathematical problems on the slate posed no challenge; I solved them swiftly, verified my answers once more, and stowed the slate away, confident in my abilities.

Back on the boat, as we gathered to check our slates, I couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise and humility. To my astonishment, both of my answers were incorrect. Despite feeling unimpaired during the dive, I failed to solve two simple math problems correctly. The message was crystal clear: nitrogen narcosis, even when its symptoms are not readily apparent, could subtly impair one's cognitive abilities. It was a powerful lesson that underscored the importance of respecting the sport I loved so much. This experience left an indelible mark on my understanding of nitrogen narcosis, a phenomenon often likened to the 'Martini Effect.' It served as a stark reminder that the underwater world, while captivating, demands the utmost caution and respect for the science related to diving and the effects of scuba diving on human physiology.

A Historical Dive into Nitrogen Narcosis

The annals of deep-sea exploration have long been adorned with tales of the enigmatic condition known as nitrogen narcosis. These early encounters with underwater bewilderment date back to the nascent days of diving technology, where pioneers ventured underwater, their experiences yielding intriguing insights.

In the record of diving history, 1834 marks a significant milestone. It was in this year that a French researcher by the name of Victor Junod first chronicled the intriguing effects of nitrogen narcosis. Junod eloquently described this underwater phenomenon, noting that "the functions of the brain are activated, imagination is lively, thoughts have a peculiar charm, and, in some persons, symptoms of intoxication are present." At the time, Junod speculated that narcosis was the result of high-pressure gases causing a slight increase in blood flow, thereby stimulating nerve centers.

Fast forward to 1881, and we encounter another perspective. A physician named Walter Moxon proposed a theory, positing that pressure forced blood into inaccessible areas of the body, leading to stagnant blood, which somehow induced emotional changes. Simultaneously, other scholars delved into the psychological facets, suggesting that latent claustrophobia might underlie the mysteries of nitrogen narcosis.

Yet, the most illuminating breakthrough would not occur until 1935, when a diving physiologist named Albert Behnke, often hailed as the father figure of the U.S. Navy's diving program, unveiled a groundbreaking hypothesis. Behnke proposed that the nitrogen component of air played a pivotal role in inducing narcotic symptoms. In 1939, Behnke and his esteemed colleagues etched their names in the annals of diving history again by becoming the first to demonstrate that gases beyond nitrogen, such as helium, could similarly induce narcosis.

Deciphering Nitrogen Narcosis: Unveiling the Mechanisms

In deep-sea exploration, nitrogen narcosis has remained an enigmatic force, its origins obscured by the depths it inhabits. To truly grasp the essence of this underwater phenomenon of nitrogen narcosis, a glimpse into the intricate workings of the nervous system is necessary. Electrical nerve impulses travel through specialized cells known as neurons within our bodies. These neurons, composed in part of lipid or fat tissue, transmit these electrical signals at critical junctures called synapses. The potency of an inert gas's narcotic effects hinges on its ability to dissolve in fat tissue—those gases that dissolve more readily in fat exhibit heightened narcotic potential. Essentially, the greater the solubility, the lower the partial pressure required to induce narcosis. It's theorized that the inert gas has a remarkable influence on the synaptic membrane, causing it to expand and slowing or halting the transmission of electrical impulses.

Specialized cells called neurons transmit critical messages through a vast network. These neurons, partially composed of lipid or fat tissue, communicate via synapses, acting as the conduits for electrical signals. Within these synapses, the narcotic potency of inert gases finds its stage. Gases that readily dissolve into fat tissue become the players in this mysterious effect, influencing the synaptic membrane and altering the transmission of electrical impulses. An alternative theory from the 1960s suggests a subplot in which elevated carbon dioxide levels, resulting from compromised respiratory efficiency, played a leading role in the narcotic tale. Although this theory has been debunked mainly as the primary cause, it remains a supporting character, exacerbating the onset and severity of nitrogen narcosis.

Despite these well-researched theories, the precise cause of nitrogen narcosis continues to elude our understanding, much like an enigmatic protagonist. This enduring mystery underscores the depths of our knowledge and beckons further exploration in the ever-fascinating play between human physiology and the underwater world.

Regardless of the theories, the outcome is uniform: decelerating mental faculties and reaction times. The brain, it seems, struggles to process information at the pace it's received, resulting in a performance decline across tasks, from complex reasoning to the most basic manual dexterity.

So, When Do We Feel the Effects?

Traditionally, divers taught that the telltale signs of nitrogen narcosis don't typically manifest until reaching the depths of around 100 feet. However, this is where most divers notice the symptoms, while subtle impairment can set in at depths as shallow as half that, as studies conducted by the U.S. Navy have revealed. Remarkably, some individuals highly susceptible to narcosis can experience its effects at pressures equivalent to just 2 atmospheres or 33 feet underwater.

When delving deeper into the science, research indicates that mental processing is slowed even when diving into 3 atmospheres (66 feet). Curiously, at this stage, most divers remain unaware of any changes. It's not until reaching 4 atmospheres (99 feet) that many divers become aware of some impairment. Divers can encounter more debilitating symptoms as the depth descends further into the range of 4-5 atmospheres (99-165 feet).

It's essential to note that the effects of narcosis exhibit significant variability, both among individuals and within the same diver on different days. Some divers even believe they are virtually immune to the disorder, asserting their ability to function flawlessly below the 100-foot mark without apparent consequences. However, the undeniable reality is that no one is entirely unaffected. The influence of nitrogen narcosis touches every diver the minute we submerge and subject ourselves to a higher partial pressure. The only variables are when it takes hold, how it does so, and how it affects an individual's performance underwater.

What Can You Do To Manage Nitrogen Narcosis?

While none of us is impervious to the effects of nitrogen narcosis, there are measures we can take to mitigate the associated risks.

1. Keep it Simple: Until you become a more proficient diver, avoid burdening your dive plan with excessive tasks. Simplicity is vital to preventing overwhelming situations when facing nitrogen narcosis.

2. Dive Within Your Limits: Recognize and adhere to your boundaries. While pushing your limits can be tempting, it's prudent to do so gradually and under the supervision of a qualified professional.

3. Recognize the Symptoms: Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of nitrogen narcosis to enable early identification. When symptoms appear, ascend to shallower depths, as they often diminish at a shallower depth.

4. Mastery of Buoyancy Control: Proficiency in buoyancy control is pivotal for precise depth management, reducing the risk of unintentional descents into deeper waters.

5. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate Nitrogen Narcotics effects. Proper hydration before and during your dive is essential.

6. Stay In Shape and Minimize Exertion: Elevated CO2 levels also exacerbate the onset of nitrogen narcosis.

7. Avoid Alcohol and Certain Medications: As a sensible guideline, refrain from alcohol or drugs for at least eight hours before diving. If medication is necessary, be aware of its effects and potential interactions with diving. Psychoactive drugs or those causing dry mouth should be avoided before deeper dives, as they can significantly increase the likelihood or severity of nitrogen narcosis.

The 'Martini Effect'—Nitrogen Narcosis—is a captivating facet of scuba diving. From the amusing to the harrowing, divers carry their tales of encountering this underwater enigma. Yet, understanding its causes, effects, and, crucially, how to manage the associated risks is paramount for any diver.

As you plunge underwater, remember that safety should always be your top priority. Each dive is not just an exploration of the underwater world; it's a journey into the unknown, demanding respect for the science of diving and its intricate effects on human physiology.

So, keep diving, but do so responsibly. Embrace the adventure, but with caution. The underwater world is as mesmerizing as it is unforgiving. By adhering to the practical tips provided—keeping it simple, recognizing your limits, mastering buoyancy control, and staying vigilant against external factors—you ensure that every dive is memorable and safe.

Let your stories be about breathtaking underwater landscapes and encounters with marine wonders, not unnecessary risks and avoidable dangers. Dive safely, explore responsibly, and make each underwater adventure a chapter in your story as a diver.

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